Saturday, July 23, 2016

Letter to Depositors

Dear Depositor,

Thank you for depositing with the Bank of KoL. Please accept my deepest apologies for the substantial inconvenience you must have suffered while your deposit was unavailable. I understand this may have seriously compromised your enjoyment of the game, and considering the significant time and resources many people put into KoL I am truly sorry for any distress this might have caused you.

Serious medical issues interrupted my ability to manage this service. The nature of their severity made impossible any engagement with KoL until a sufficient recovery of health was made. I'm relieved to say that this outcome has been achieved and that I am now well enough to direct the Bank's closure. I hope you'll understand that despite my wish to have been in touch earlier I was not in a position to do so.

Your deposit with the Bank of KoL will now be withdrawn. Please see the ensuing email for your withdrawal along with details pertaining to your account. Aside from returning deposits the Bank of KoL will cease operation. Given the monumental task of liquidating the Bank it would be appreciated if you could keep questions to a minimum, and please allow privacy in regards to my health.

It was a great pleasure and privilege to operate this bank for the KoL community. I very much regret falling short of delivering the service you had expected.


Bank of KoL